Velo Works

Track and Single Speed Wheels

 Strong and durable track and single speed wheels

We build a range of track and single speed wheels with quality components from DT Swiss, Shimano, Miche and H Plus Son. Our wheels are built to the highest standards and are within 0.2mm lateral and 0.5mm radial tolerances.

All our hand built wheels come with a workmanship guarantee with free truing and spoke replacement for the life of the wheel.

As there are so many requirements for custom track and single speed wheels, we supply customised quotations to suit your riding needs. Our favourite track and single speed wheels can be found below.

Prices for track and single speed wheelsets start from £299.98 and individual wheels start from £149.99.

Please find below a quotation request form. If you need to talk through a 
potential wheelset build please contact us.

Track and single speed wheel quotation

Opening Hours

Sun - Mon
Tue - Fri

To ask us further details about our hand built wheels please contact us
or call/WhatsApp 07540 234 561

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