Velo Works

Why Buy Hand Built Wheels?

Why buy hand built wheels?

Quality wheels are the first major upgrade most cyclist do to 
their bike.

 These days most bicycle wheels are built in a factory using machines and do not match the quality of hand built wheels.

Hand built wheels are built with a higher level of accuracy and precision than factory built wheels. This means hand built wheels are laterally 
and radially straighter and more durable. Having wheels built for you means components can be selected to suit your individual needs 
and riding requirements.

At Velo Works we have been building wheels for many years and we build all of our wheels to a higher standard which is far superior to that of factory built wheels. 

Our hand built wheels are fully guaranteed and come with free truing and free spoke replacement for the life of the wheel.

Visit our online shop to see the range of wheels we offer. Visit our dynamo wheel and mountain bike wheel pages to receive a custom quotation. We also build custom bike wheels to the same high standard.

Opening Hours

Sun - Mon
Tue - Fri

To ask us further details about our hand built wheels please contact us
or call/WhatsApp 07540 234 561

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